Classes Include:
Bible Timeline / New Testament Survey / Old Testament Survey / Ethics and Integrity / Spiritual Life of the Leader / Youth Evangelism / Apologetics and Christian Evidences / Follow-Up and Discipleship / Mentoring and Counseling / Youth Dangers / Problems in Youth Ministry / Youth Culture / Doctrine and Denominations / Finance / Accountability / Fundraising / Art of Teaching / Public Speaking / Writing and Journalism / Youth Protection / Legal Issues
As the host ministry, TTT Christian Youth Ministries staff and volunteers coordinate the Christian Youth Leadership Academy. Faculty are volunteers: pastors, youth leaders, TTT alumni and staff, representing many years of experience in youth evangelism ministry. Students participate in the evangelistic youth event every Saturday at 7:27 PM at TTT (since 1966 – over 3,000 consecutive Saturdays).
13000 US Hwy 41 N. Evansville, IN 47725
Phone: (812) 867-2418
Fax: (812) 867-8933
©2023-2024 TTT Christian Youth Ministries, Inc.