TIGER*Team IMPACT! evangelistic youth efforts at county fairs and street festivals, school campuses, and local churches.
There are 3,141 USA Counties. Within those counties, there are tens of thousands of cities, towns, and communities. There are more than 56,000 secondary school campuses in the United States, and over 41 million students from 10 to 19 years old attend those schools. More than 400,000 of these 10 to 19 year olds live in the 93 counties within 100 miles of TTT.
In his first letter to the Corinthian church, Paul explains: “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.” 1 Cor. 3:6-7 NKJV”The ones who plant and water have nothing to boast about because God gives the increase. Only God draws unbelievers to Himself. It is our responsibility to do our job no matter what the results, for God will reward us for our efforts and the quality of our work.” The Nelson Study Bible, Dr. Earl Radmacher, General Editor. The Strategy is to plant (sow) the Word of God – the Gospel of Jesus Christ in every community, using all available means, media, and methods to communicate Christianity.
Project ProCLAIM
To present the Gospel with an invitation to Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, to every person ages 10 to 19, campus-by-campus, community-by-community, county-by-county.
Because God has promised that His Word will never return void, and because the Bible presents answers to every problem, project proCLAIM uses saturation evangelism — a public relations outreach, using billboards, direct mail, e-mail, internet, newspapers, radio, and TV, and one-on-one sharing of the life changing Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Each evangelistic youth effort is targeted toward the students in the geographic area surrounding a specific public high school.
It all begins with prayer. A local church in each community serves as a "Partner in Youth Evangelism." At least two other churches willing to cooperate in evangelizing youth come alongside. Each local church chooses one or more Christian adults to serve as TIGER* Team coaches. And each church selects 3 or more key youth (ages 10-19) to be trained in peer evangelism. Then more youth are recruited and trained.
These youth will share God’s plan of salvation one-on-one with their peers. They will offer a project proCLAIM package including an NKJV Bible, and invite each fellow student to a TIGER*Team IMPACT! at or near their high school.
This youth evangelism effort can include music, drama, media, message, and an invitation to “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.” TIGER*Team participants — Teens Involved Going Evangelizing Regularly — will pray with each one who responds. The partnering local churches will follow-up and disciple those who make decisions for Christ.