TTT Christian Youth Ministries: Telling the TRUTH to/through Teenagers.
About George
TTT Founder / Ambassador at Large
George Dooms is a native of Mt. Carmel, Illinois. George and Mary (Greer) began serving the Lord together in youth evangelism and creative Christian communications during their high school days. George attended Greenville (Illinois) College and graduated from Bob Jones University in 1954 with a Bachelor of Arts in Practical Christian Training.
George co-founded Gospel Advertising Association with his father, W. Lawson Dooms, handling advertising for 100 evangelists. In 1960, he founded Tamiami Youth for Christ in Bradenton, Florida. Shortly thereafter, he became director of advertising and circulation for Youth for Christ magazine and director of promotion for Youth for Christ International. George joined the staff of Word Records in Waco, Texas in 1963, and served as advertising director for Word when Word Books began in 1965.
In December 1965, George became director of TRIstate youth for CHRIST, now TTT Christian Youth Ministries. In 1973, he co-founded Youth Evangelism Association with 4 other directors of Youth for Christ ministries across the country. George received an honorary doctorate from Georgetown College. He has spoken to teenagers and youth leaders across America.
George and Mary continued their labor of love for the Lord together, and celebrated 64 years of marriage and ministry June 18, 2014. Mary (Greer) Dooms was welcomed to her heavenly home on October 12, 2014.
George served as President of TTT Christian Youth Ministries until February 12, 2015, when he was succeeded by his daughter, Tami Leigh Dooms, and he moved up to a new position as TTT's Founder / Ambassador at Large.
George is continuing full-time with TTT, concentrating on communications and public relations, connecting and reconnecting with leaders in each of the 93 Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky counties within 100 miles of TTT. He is writing the story of youth evangelism in America from 1931 forward. George currently broadcasts Telling The TRUTH radio, aired on 63 stations in 17 states daily, and publishes Telling The TRUTH periodical. He writes a regular newspaper column. George serves as President of TIGER*Team IMPACT!, as Founder / Ambassador at Large of Youth Evangelism Association, and on the boards of AIDS Orphans and Street Children and 3.16 Inc..