TTT Christian Youth Ministries: Telling the TRUTH to/through Teenagers.
Project ProCLAIM
To present the Gospel with an invitation to Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, to every person ages 10 to 19, campus-by-campus, community-by-community, county-by-county.
Because God has promised that His Word will never return void, and because the Bible presents answers to every problem, project proCLAIM uses saturation evangelism — a public relations outreach, using billboards, direct mail, e-mail, internet, newspapers, radio, and TV, and one-on-one sharing of the life changing Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Each evangelistic youth effort is targeted toward the students in the geographic area surrounding a specific public high school.
It all begins with prayer. A local church in each community serves as a "Partner in Youth Evangelism." At least two other churches willing to cooperate in evangelizing youth come alongside. Each local church chooses one or more Christian adults to serve as TIGER* Team coaches. And each church selects 3 or more key youth (ages 10-19) to be trained in peer evangelism. Then more youth are recruited and trained.
These youth will share God’s plan of salvation one-on-one with their peers. They will offer a project proCLAIM package including an NKJV Bible, and invite each fellow student to a TIGER*Team IMPACT! at or near their high school.
This youth evangelism effort can include music, drama, media, message, and an invitation to “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.” TIGER*Team participants — Teens Involved Going Evangelizing Regularly — will pray with each one who responds. The partnering local churches will follow-up and disciple those who make decisions for Christ.